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The newest version of Anaconda3 (conda) has been installed on the wi-hpc and is the new default. In the past, version 4.12.0 was available via the module load Anaconda3 command. This update brings us to version 24.9.2, a significant and long-overdue upgrade.

What You Need to Know:

  • Default Version Change: After the update, running module load Anaconda3 will default to version 24.9.2.

  • Impact on Existing Virtual Environments: This update may affect existing conda virtual environments. To avoid issues, we recommend recreating your virtual environments with the new version.

  • Access to Previous Version: If you need to continue using the older version, you can do so with module load Anaconda3/2022.05.

  • The new version will be accessible with module load Anaconda3/2024.10 or just module load Anconda3, the module load command will automatically default to the newest version available.

We understand that updates like this can be disruptive and appreciate your patience. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at


Alphafold3 is now available to use on the wi-hpc cluster. Please reach out to the IT Help Desk at to get access to the model parameters required for running Alphafold3.


The Cryo-EM software CryoSPARC is now available in the WI-HPC Cluster on a per lab basis. Please email to get this set up for you lab.

Also see the CryoSPARC page for more information.

2024-09-09 Slurm Upgrade

Slurm has been upgraded from 22.0.5 to 23.11.7 on the production wi-hpc cluster.

See a full the changelog from slurm here

2024-04-29 Arbiter2

Arbiter2 has been installed and implemented on the WI-HPC Head/Login nodes (wi-hpc-hn1 and wi-hpc-hn2).

Arbiter2 is a cgroups based mechanic that is designed to prevent the misuse of head/login nodes, which are scare, shared resources.

Please see the Arbiter2 page for more information and details on statuses, limits, and penalties.

2023-11-20 Apptainer

Apptainer has been installed and configured on the WI-HPC Cluster. Apptainer is a container software (similar to Docker) that has been specifically designed for use in a HPC environment.

Please see Containers for details on working with Apptainer.

NOTE: This is an on-going project and a new application. Please proceed with caution and contact the IT Help Desk at with any questions or issues, thank you.

2023-11-06 Default Wall Times

On Monday November 6th, 2023 all Partitions/Queues were configured to have a DefaultTime of 1 HOUR. If no time is specified in the submission script, it will be set to 1 HOUR. If the job reaches 1 HOUR running time, it will be killed. This DefaultTime is already set on the smq partition (with MAX time of 4 hours).

User's should ALWAYS specify a time when submitting jobs:


2023-10-30 Slurm Reorganization

A fix to the AutoFS mounting of the home directories and a reorganization of SLURM's accounting was applied October 30th, 2023. This change included in the following:

  • New Nodes node019, node020, and node063 (GPU) have been added to the Cluster.
  • Updated the way home directories (/home/username) were mounted to stop alerts to the IT Help Desk.
  • Created new accounts for each lab lab (e.g. kulp).
  • User's have been moved from the "wistar" account to their new respective lab account.
  • New "smq" partition/queue for small/short running jobs. Max time of 4 hours.
Partition/Queue QOS Description
defq general_qos The default partition/queue
gpu general_qos The GPU partition/queue --partition=gpu
smq smq_qos The "small" queue. --partition=smq Short resource intensive jobs.
  • New QOS's for each partition/queue as well as "ext_qos" for special use cases (e.g. Users doing work for other labs)
QOS Tied To Max CPUs Max Memory (RAM) Max GPUs Max WallTime
general_qos defq 400 2400 GB 20 Unlimited
smq_qos smq 800 4800 GB 32 4 Hours
ext_qos per user by request 800 4800 GB 32 Unlimited

2023-08-18 Overview Update

HPC cluster documentation is now hosted at This will be the main website for news, documentation, examples, training, and all HPC cluster related information. This is documentation currently A WORK IN PROGRESS so if something is incorrect or requires clarification please send an email to the IT Helpdesk at and let us know.

Current Hardware:

  • 28 compute nodes
  • 14 GPU nodes
  • 42 total nodes

Current Resources:

  • 2,784 processors
  • 17,074 GB memory
  • 52 GPUs

Current Partitions:

  • defq (default queue): nodes[021-046]
  • gpu: nodes[050-62]
  • gputest: nodes[063]

2022-11-3 Head Node Update

The head node was replicated to new hardware for production purposes. Next step: Failover

2022-10-31 Additional Nodes Added

Eight new nodes were delivered sooner than expected and added to the new cluster - this will enable more users to really run the new cluster through the paces.

2022-10-18 Nodes moved

Error with older nodes required movement of node from production for full testing - removed Compute 30 (regular node) and Compute 10 (GPU node) from cluster-01 into wi-hpc cluster.

2022-10-15 Cluster Launched in Development

The new cluster WI-HPC is being launched with a bunch of changes.